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The Role of Social Media in Live Streaming: Leveraging platforms to reach your audience

Mar 01, 2023

Live video streaming has become a popular way for businesses, organizations, and individuals to engage with their audience in real-time. With the rise of social media platforms, live streaming has become even more accessible and effective in reaching a wider audience. In this blog post, we will discuss the role of social media in live streaming and how you can leverage these platforms to reach your audience.

1. Choose the Right Platform

Before you start live streaming, you need to decide which social media platform you want to use. Some of the most popular platforms for live streaming are Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live, and Twitch. Each platform has its own unique features and audience, so you need to choose the one that best fits your goals and target audience.

Choosing the right platform for your live stream is a crucial aspect of your overall strategy. It can have a significant impact on your audience reach, engagement, and overall success. Let’s evaluate this topic in more detail.


Your target audience should be the primary factor in choosing the right platform. For example, if you are targeting a younger audience, platforms like TikTok or Snapchat may be more suitable for your live streams. On the other hand, if you are targeting a more professional or older audience, platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook may be a better choice.


Different platforms offer different features that can enhance your live stream. For example, Facebook Live allows for longer live streams, while Instagram Live offers interactive features such as polls and questions. Consider what features are most important for your live stream and choose a platform that best meets your needs.


Your brand identity should also play a role in choosing the right platform. You want to choose a platform that aligns with your brand values and personality. For example, if you have a more informal or playful brand, a platform like TikTok may be a good fit. If you have a more professional or serious brand, platforms like LinkedIn or YouTube may be a better choice.


Consider the accessibility of the platform for your audience. You want to choose a platform that your audience is already familiar with and comfortable using. If your audience is primarily on Facebook, it may not be necessary to try to reach them on other platforms. This will also make it easier for your audience to find and tune into your live stream.


Lastly, consider how the platform integrates with other aspects of your marketing strategy. For example, if you plan to promote your live stream on social media, you may want to choose a platform that integrates well with other social media platforms. This will make it easier to cross-promote and reach a wider audience.



Choosing the right platform for your live stream is a critical component of your overall strategy. By considering your target audience, desired features, brand identity, accessibility, and integration with other aspects of your marketing strategy, you can select a platform that best meets your needs and ensures the success of your live stream.

2. Promote Your Live Stream

Once you have chosen your platform, it’s time to promote your live stream. Social media platforms are a great way to get the word out about your live stream. You can create posts, stories, and ads to let your followers know when and where your live stream will take place. And, of course, use eye-catching visuals and compelling copy to grab your audience’s attention.

3. Engage with Your Audience

During your live stream, make sure to engage with your audience. Social media platforms offer various tools to interact with your viewers, such as comments, reactions, and polls. Use these tools to ask questions, answer viewer comments, and gather feedback. This will not only help you connect with your audience but also provide valuable insights for future live streams.

4. Repurpose Your Content

After your live stream is over, don’t let your content go to waste. Repurpose your live stream into other forms of content, such as blog posts, podcasts, or social media posts. This will help you reach a wider audience and provide value to those who missed your live stream.

Repurposing your live stream content is a smart strategy to make the most of your efforts and reach a wider audience. It can help you provide value to your audience in different formats and platforms. 

Blog Posts

One of the most common ways to repurpose your live stream content is to turn it into blog posts. This allows you to provide more detailed information on a specific topic covered in your live stream. It also gives your audience a chance to revisit the content at their own pace and in their preferred format.

Social Media Posts

Another way to repurpose your live stream content is to create social media posts based on the highlights of your live stream. This can include quotes, images, or video clips that showcase the most interesting or valuable moments from your live stream. This helps you reach a wider audience on different social media platforms.


If your live stream is mostly audio-based, you can repurpose it into a podcast episode. This allows you to reach an audience who prefers listening to content on-the-go. You can edit the audio to remove any irrelevant or repetitive parts and add a short intro and outro to provide context.


If your live stream contained valuable statistics or data, you can repurpose it into an infographic. This helps you communicate complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way. Infographics can be shared on social media, included in blog posts, or used as part of a larger marketing campaign.

Email Newsletters

You can also repurpose your live stream content into an email newsletter. This allows you to provide exclusive content to your email subscribers and keep them engaged with your brand. You can summarize the key takeaways from your live stream and provide links to the original content.

In conclusion, repurposing your live stream content is a smart strategy to make the most of your efforts and reach a wider audience. Use this strategy to amplify the reach and impact of your live streams.

5. Analyze Your Performance

Lastly, it’s important to analyze your live stream’s performance, because you can't control things you are not measuring. Social media platforms offer analytics tools to help you measure your reach, engagement, and overall performance. 

Use this data to identify areas of improvement and make adjustments for future live streams. It’ll help you understand what worked well and what needs improvement. Let’s evaluate this topic in more detail.


One of the most important metrics to analyze is the reach of your live stream. This includes the number of viewers, unique viewers, and the overall reach of your stream. This data can help you understand how successful your promotion efforts were and how well you reached your intended audience.


Engagement includes metrics like comments, reactions, shares, and other forms of interaction during your live stream. This data can help you understand how well your content resonated with your audience and identify areas for improvement.

Drop-Off Rate

Drop-off rate is the percentage of viewers who stopped watching your live stream before it ended. This data shows how engaging your content was and where viewers may have lost interest. Use this data to adjust the format or content of your future live streams to keep viewers engaged and interested.

Viewer Feedback

Pay attention to the feedback you receive from viewers during and after your live stream. This includes comments, questions, and other forms of feedback. Use this feedback to improve your content and overall live stream experience.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate measures the number of viewers who took a desired action during or after your live stream. This could include signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a product, or downloading content. This data can help you understand how effective your live stream was at driving conversions and identify areas for improvement.



In conclusion, social media plays a vital role in live streaming. By choosing the right platform, promoting your live stream, engaging with your audience, repurposing your content, and analyzing your performance, you can leverage social media to reach a wider audience and achieve your goals.