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How to create pay per view stream using a GoPro camera and Callaba Cloud

Mar 13, 2023

In this tutorial we are going to embark on a journey of GoPro live streaming and monetization. We are going to live stream via RTMP and create a Web Player with Pay-Per-View integration.

This is a good user-case if you want to stream with your GoPro and earn money fron people viewing your content. You can apply this concept to anything, from online concerts to cooking classes to charity streams, etc. 

You will need the following components:

  1. GoPro camera
  2. Callaba
  3. PayPal account to accept payments
  4. Your live stream idea 💡

Creating an RTMP Server

1 . Open Callaba Dashboard. You can launch Callaba in the cloud or install on your server.

To launch Callaba in the cloud, you can follow our detailed guides :

Once you’ve launched Callaba, log into the dashboard.

2. Go to the RTMP Servers section

Click “Add New”

Name your SRT Server

Port : specify port (change if needed)

Click “Save”

3. In the RTMP Players listing page, click “Info”

Copy the RTMP Player URL.

We will need this URL soon when we will be setting up our live stream with the GoPro. 

Setting up GoPro camera

1 . Turn on your GoPro camera.

Swipe down
Swipe left

Go to Connections
Wireless Connections to “On”

Go back to Connections
Click “Connect Device”
Then click “GoPro App”

2. Download and install the Quik application on your mobile device to control the GoPro camera

App Link:

3. Open the installed application, go through the steps of connecting your mobile device with your camera.

Once finished, click Control Your Go Pro

4. Move the control slider to the Go Live mode and then click on the Set Up Live button that appears.

5. In the platform selection window, select Other/RTMP

6. Okay, now it is time to configure our stream settings.

Connect to a network : Select your WiFi

Attention! The GoPro camera must be connected to the same frequency as your mobile device. 

Enter your RTMP URL : put the RTMP Player URL you’ve copied earlier from Callaba

Resolution : specify resolution

Click “Continue”

7. Click “GO LIVE”

Now your stream is being sent to Callaba. But at this point we are not able to see it, so let’s create a Web Player.

Creating a Web Player with Pay Per View Integration

1. Back in Callaba, go to “Web Players” section

Click “Add New”

Name your player

Attention! The player’s name would be visible to your viewers. Make sure it is human-friendly.

Input type : RTMP Server

RTMP Server : select your RTMP server name

2. Unfold “Authorization settings”

Here you can add users who have to have access to the player.

For example, your colleagues or friends you want to give free access to your content to.

In case you were selling tickets through some third-party ticketing service, you can upload a list of users who bought tickets here via a CSV upload.

3. Unfold “Pay Per View settings”

Payment method: Via PayPal

Client ID: put your PayPal merchant ID

Amount: specify the price

Unfold “Visual settings”

Update logo: Upload your logo

Update backround: Upload background image

Unfold “Event settings”

Event date: Here you can schedule your event for the future (if you are not going to stream right away)

Support email: specify support email for your viewers to be able to reach out to you

Click “Save”

Embedding the player / Sharing the link

1. Return to the Web Players listing page

Click “Preview” to see your stream coming

Click “Info” (i) icon

Copy the Web Player URL to share the link with your audience.

For embedding to your website, copy the Embed player or Embed video code.

To view your player, copy the Web Player URL and open it in the browser.

Attention! Callaba puts cookies in your browser that identify you as an admin, thus allowing you access to the video by default. As if you already bought the ticket and logged in.
To view your Per Pay View player, use an incognito mode or a different browser. Your viewers will not have these cookies, so they will see the Pay Per View window with no problems.


This is the end of our tutorial.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]
We will respond to you within 24 hours.
Happy streaming!