This page provides methods for recording the streams to the server's disk.
If necessary, the stream can be transcoded here without calling additional modules.
Use /api/utils/getStat to find out the amount of free disk space
Creates a process that receives and writes a video stream to disk.
Once the process is added, the server will wait for the video stream and immediately start recording it to the server disk. In case if connection is interrupted, the writing process will be stopped. Resuming the stream will result in writing to a new file.
Publish RTSP stream for recording:
ffmpeg -re -i "./videos/awesome-video.mp4" -f mpegts "rtsp://"
Unique process name
Recording input type. The following types are supported:
Accepts an object with specified input parameters.
Depending on the input type, different parameters are passed:
1. When input is SRT Servers module from the Callaba Engine:
{ input_type: "INPUT_TYPE_SRT_SOFTWARE", input_server_id: Objectid, input_stream_id: "publisher/srt-server-name/srt-stream-01" }
Use INPUT_TYPE_SRT_HARDWARE, if you plan to get your stream from a hardware encoder. This will perform additional optimization
inside Callaba Engine. If your senders are mobile devices or computers, use INPUT_TYPE_SRT_SOFTWARE
2. When input is RTMP Servers module from Callaba Engine:
{ input_type: "INPUT_TYPE_RTMP_SOFTWARE" input_server_id: Objectid, input_stream_id: "publisher/srt-server-name/srt-stream-01" }
In this case, you pass in the ID of your RTMP server and the key of the stream you want to convert.
Use INPUT_TYPE_RTMP_HARDWARE, if you plan get your stream from a hardware encoder. This will perform additional optimization inside Callaba Engine. If your senders are mobile devices or computers, use INPUT_TYPE_RTMP_SOFTWARE
In this case, you are passing in the id of your SRT server and the publisher's id of the stream you want to convert.
3. When input is received via port listening, without using other modules.
Possible input_type values:
Example of the SRT listen request on port 2035 :{ input_type: "INPUT_TYPE_SRT_URL" , input_stream_listen_port: { port: 2035, transport: "UDP" } }
For this type of input, you must explicitly specify the port you are listening and the type of transport you are using.
Optionally, you can also pass module_name and module_type for more flexible organization of your application.
For example, if you use the method for receiving all the inputs, you'd be able to see which of the processes you've made earlier occupies the server port.
This type of input accepts the following transport values :
For SRT, WEBRTC, RTP the transport value is UDP.
For all of the rest transport value is TCP.
4. When input is a URL, from where the stream is picked up for further conversion.
Possible input_type values:
INPUT_TYPE_SRT_URL: listen SRT address
INPUT_TYPE_RTMP_URL: listen RTMP address
INPUT_TYPE_RTSP_URL: listen RTSP address
INPUT_TYPE_UDP_URL: listen UDP address
INPUT_TYPE_HTTP_URL: listen HTTP address
INPUT_TYPE_OTHER: listen any address
INPUT_TYPE_HLS_URL: listen HLS address
For this type of input, specify the address where you want to receive video.{ input_type: "INPUT_TYPE_SRT_URL", input_stream_url : "srt://" }
Additionally, you can control the protocol by adjusting its parameters.
For example:
{ input_stream_url : "srt://" }
Controlling parameters is available for all protocols.
5. When you don't have a video, but you need a test video/audio stream{ input_type: "INPUT_TYPE_GENERATE_TEST_VIDEO" }
It generate a default test stream (1920 by 1080, 24, 6000Kbit/s) with a duration of 1 hour and 216 Hz sine wave audio.
If necessary, you can control the settings of the test video by passing parameters to the input object:
{ input_type: "INPUT_TYPE_GENERATE_TEST_VIDEO", test_video_bitrate: 2500 }
Format of the recording. Possible values:
Controls the state of the process. Possible values are true or false. The default value is true.
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"recording_name": "Awesome recorded stream","recording_type": "RECORDING_STREAM_TO_FILE","input": {"input_type": "INPUT_TYPE_RTSP_URL","input_stream_url": "rtsp://"},"output_format": "mp4","active": true}'
A unique identifier of the recording process. Is an object and looks similar to the hashed string.
Returns the creation date of the recording process
{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4","created": "2022-03-12T12:36:03.890Z"}
Use this method to change the recording task.
This method can take the same parameters as /api/recording/create method
id - identifier of the recording process to be changed.
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4","recording_name": "Awesome recorded stream MOV","recording_type": "RECORDING_STREAM_TO_FILE","input": {"input_type": "INPUT_TYPE_RTSP_URL","input_stream_url": "rtsp://"},"output_format": "mov","active": true}'
A unique identifier of the process
Returns the date of the process was last modified
Success result. Possible value: true or false.
{"success": true}
Use this method to start the recording.
id - identifier of the recording process to be started.
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4"}'
Success result. Possible value: true or false.
{"success": true}
Use this method to stop the recording.
id - identifier of the recording process to be stopped.
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4"}'
Success result. Possible value: true or false.
{"success": true}
Use this method to get a list the recording process
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-d ''
Returns an array of the recording processes
[{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4","recording_name": "Awesome recorded stream MOV","recording_type": "RECORDING_STREAM_TO_FILE","output_format": "mov","active": true,"created": "2022-03-13T17:53:27.614Z","recordedFiles": [],"modified": "2022-03-13T18:28:54.236Z"}]
Use this method to get information about the recording task.
id - identifier of the recording process
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"id": "622c93b366b14700326ff543"}'
Returns an object of the recording process
{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4","recording_name": "Awesome recorded stream MOV","recording_type": "RECORDING_STREAM_TO_FILE","output_format": "mov","active": true,"created": "2022-03-13T17:53:27.614Z","recordedFiles": [],"modified": "2022-03-13T18:28:54.236Z"}
Use this method to get the statistics of the recording processes
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d ''
Current bitrate (kilobits)
[{id: ObjectId,bitrate: 6500}]
Use this method to remove the recording file
record_id - identifier of the recording process
file_id - identifier of the file
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"record_id": "StringObjectId","file_id": "StringObjectId"}'
Success result. Possible value: true or false.
{"success": true}
Use this method to remove the recording task.
id - identifier of the recording process to be removed.
curl -X 'DELETE' \'' \-H 'accept: application/json' \-H 'x-access-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMGJlYjA2MTM3YmIzMDAyYzhmNjAwYSIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0Njk4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ5MzM4OTgyfQ.qRphsD6OD8KYnRL5fUX8XEckp1XNCmZAYldWWnZbAxE' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"id": "622e2f97f678990032d434b4"}'
Success result. Possible value: true or false.
{"success": true}